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26 years old
Republic of Burundi
WhatsApp +265 982008401
Biography collected and written by Luanda Bauma Primo
Photo of John by Luanda Bauma Primo


I’m from the DRCongo. I lived in Burundi for quite a bit of time. When I was still a kid, I used to love watching music video clips. My uncle had a desktop computer. Every day after school, I could switch on the computer and start using it. As days passed, my knowledge in computer literacy got high. I even started teaching some of my friends how to use a computer.

When I fled Burundi to Malawi, I met my brother here in Dzaleka who had already opened a photography company named HTC Production. When I first arrived in Dzaleka, my life was boring. I had nothing to do. I told my brother to teach me how to operate a camera and how to edit a picture using editing software; he accepted. He started taking me with him to events and ceremonies. Little by little, I improved in the skills, and I started attending events as the official photographer.
When he left to go to Norway, he left me the company. I did not have so many challenges because my brother was always there to assist me whenever I could have some trouble or difficulties. He taught me everything I know in photography.
In 2018, some people broke into our company and stole all the equipment. It was a big challenge, and I was discouraged and traumatised. After some months, I started doing small work. Last year, I bought a camera and a laptop. I was motivated again. Since then, I do photography once again. I do photography out of passion. A lot of people in the camp love pictures, so every weekend I’m very busy. Photography is the only source of income I have. It has helped me a lot and has connected me with people that I did know that I could meet in my life. I’m a filmmaker as well. My advice to you is that you should look at a list for one thing you can do best to prepare for your future.

Photo Collection
Photo Collection