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Forus Crew
Forus Crew
Forus Crew

Forus Crew

Group biography collected and by Nellyson_Deo

Members (all from the Democratic Republic of Congo)

Videos of the group performing can be found on their YouTube channel:


Our group stands on three pillars: Force, United and Success– hence, the acronym “FORUS”. We are a group of many dancers from different backgrounds, both male and female, living in the camp.

Forus is well known in the country due to our unique style of performing on stage, and also for being featured in music videos of some of Malawi's most famous artists, such as Tay grin, Gwamba, Hazel Mak, Sangie, Kell Kay, and Janta, just to mention a few.

The group was formed six years ago in the Dzaleka Refugee camp, in the Dowa District. We teach dance classes to the youth in our community. A lot of youth these days feel lost–even more so when you are a young person whose family had to flee from conflict. Our focus remains on showing the youth how art can be their “saving grace,” even in the most challenging circumstances, and our mission is to encourage those around us and let them know that they do have a say in their own lives and they can make something of themselves.

We do face challenges as dancers such as lack of a dance studio, video production equipment, and sound equipment. Sometimes, we struggle to attend some of our performances, and the logistics around this often cuts into whatever fee we can potentially earn. This doesn't stop us or bring us down, though, because we know we will one day succeed at what we do. We hope that our journey ignites the passion of dancers around the world and motivates them to work hard and give their absolute best to everything they do.